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2020: 1. Two poems placed in Jackie Hosking's annual Spring Competition for Rhyming Poems (Pass It On): The Laughing Clown came first, and The Good Ship Gumtree received an Honourable Mention.
           2. My poem Crossing the Bounds was published in Bloomsbury UK's Fire Burn, Cauldron Bubble - Magical Poems.
           3.  Stormcloud Publishing's Christmas eBook included my poem: The Witch's Christmas Tree.
October 2019: Three of my texts were included in the Creative Kid's Tales 'flip book' anthology: Things That Go Bump/ Enchanted:
A Penny's Weight of Gold (short story); The Sea Dog (picture book text); and A Dragon of my Acquaintance (poem).
August 2018: My picture book text "The Heart of the Forest" was shortlisted and then awarded third prize in the Writers' Unleashed competition. The judge said: The third place winner is a completely different style of story. Poetic and metaphorical, fairytale like, "The Heart of the Forest" takes us to a world with a heart at its centre, and explores what happens when we experience loss and absence and also the consequences of trying to fill those voids.  Simply and beautifully told, it was thought-provoking and unusual. A good combination.
July 2018: My short story "The Tree Witch" was published in the northern Autumn issue of The Caterpillar magazine for children.
April 2018: Storm Cloud Publishing selected my poem "The Real Princess" for inclusion in Short Tales 4. This is a new take on the
"Princess and the Pea", a literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen.
March 2018: Another e-book:  Bridges (Prints Charming) to be published soon will include my time-slip story, "Time after Time", about a girl discovering more about her ancestors on the Victorian goldfields. Also the Keys anthology (Prince Charming) includes my story: "The Key To It All".
December 2017:
7th Place: Jaz Stutley for "Bad Vlad" in the Creative Kids Tales Aliens, Animals and Amazing Places 2017 eBook Anthology competition.
Storm Cloud Publishing (2017): Open House includes my short story "She Had to Go and Lose it at the Astor", a comic crime story for adults.
May 2017: Two new e-books will be published soon with stories of mine:
The Toy Box (Prints Charming) will include my story: The Boy, the Aunt and the Ark. It's a story about Noah's Ark, set in the recent Victorian floods.
And Short Tales 3 will include my story: Plumble Bumble Pudding about a magic pudding - but not the one that speaks!
28th November, 2016
More news - I am the 6th place prize winner out of 12 in the
Creative Kids Tales Aliens, Animals and Amazing Places 2016 eBook Anthology competition.
Check out the December edition of:
My entry: The Possums Ate the Blossoms, a rhyming picture book text for children 3-6, has been included in the 2016 Creative Kids Tales eBook available through Smashwords
15th September, 2016
Great news - I won 1st prize of $150 for Roar in the Kathleen Julia Bates children's poetry competition (a non-rhyming poem suitable for children under 12.)
It was published as a Poem of the Day on the Australian Children’s Poetry blog.
6th August, 2016
Water Scorpion is a poem selected to be published in n-SCRIBE 11,
a Darebin literary magazine to be launched on October 6th.
It's free, and will be available in libraries, cafes etc in Darebin, and online.
Weird Wilma is a short story for children 8-12, about to be published in the "Short Tales" series (No 2) by Storm Cloud Publishing. Watch this space for further news on this title!
4th June, 2016
Here is the link to Smashwords:
It will be distributed through their network and should be available at Apple iStores, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and other stores shortly. 
It will also be available at a number of lending libraries.
You may download a copy from any of these stores.
Ebooks are available in the following formats:
Mobi (suitable for Kindle)
PDF (suitable for iPhones, iPads, tablets, PCs, etc
as well as some older formats for older devices.
You will find Storm Cloud Publishing at:



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