Cold, Cold, Cold!

Where did that Indian summer go to? Here in Melbourne, Australia, we went from summer to winter with very little autumn (or Fall) in between!
That's why the song: Five Seasons in One Day resonates with Melburnians. Of course there are many colder places than here at the moment, and the sun is shining brightly; but Queensland tourists are shivering.
Heated wheat bags, Nanna rugs and hot toddies are recommended, and as for mulled wine - yum!
I cured myself last winter of a bad cold by making a large pan, and drinking a glass or two each night before I went off to bed.
Can't share the recipe - sorry - because I made it up as I went along.
just put in red wine, citrus fruit and delicious spices, and you can't go wrong.
Sounds like the beginning of a poem ...